Sindh University Entry Test Past Papers & Guidelines

Sindh University Entry Test Past Papers & Guidelines 

 Sindh of  University Jamshoro, Entry Test Past Papers & Guidelines.

We have updated past ten years papers in pdf. Download past papers and review all questions one by one. Hopefully reviewing papers will give you an idea of preparation. 

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Prepared by Athar Ali chhana 👆
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Sindh University Jamshoro Entry test contains 30% English MCQs:

Synonym 5%, Antonym 5%, Preposition 5%, Spell Checking 5%, Active Passive 5%, Narration 5% MCQs.
Sindh University English (Synonym) section model paper / example MCQs:
(a) Dirty
 (b) PURE ✓
(c) Filthy
 (d) Neutral

(a) Obstruct
 (b) Deny
 (d) Caution

(a) Outfit
 (b) Lengthen 
(c) Applaud

(a) Natural 
(b) Authentic
 (d) Real

 (b) Scant
 (c) Ample 
(d) Loss

Sindh University - Entry test - English (Antonym) section example MCQs:

(a) False 
 (b) Insincere 
(c) Dishonest 

(a) LOVE ✓
(b) Likeness 
(c) Attract 
(d) Loathe

(a) Intensify
 (b) Enrich 
(d) Insult

 (b) Unknown
 (c) Stranger 
(d) Foreigner

(a) Infidel 
(b) CALM ✓
(c) Disbeliever
 (d) Frantic

Sindh University - English section (Preposition) example MCQs:

Compare your answers ______ those of your partner.
(a) On
 (b) To
 (c) WITH✓
 (d) About.

Q12:- It was really nice _____ meet you.
(a) with 
(b) To ✓
(c) For 
(d) Had

Q13:- Don’t be late _____ school.
(a) For 
(b) To✓
 (c) Along
 (d) with

Q14:- Athar is _____ vacation.
(a) with 
(b) ON✓
 (c) For 
(d) In

Q15:- Look ____ the flowers.
(a) On 
(b) By 
(c) In 
(d) AT ✓

Sindh University - Jamshoro - Entry test - English section - Spell Checking example MCQs :

Choose The Correct SPELLINGS:-
(b) Seperately
 (c) Saperatly
 (d) Separetely

(a) Adwisory 
(b) Advisery 
(c) Advizory 

(a) Imaginery 
 (c) Imagenary 
(d) Imaginery

(a) Lebaratry 
(b) Labrotory
 (c) Laberotory 

(a) Meleneum 
(b) Millenium 
(d) Milenium

Sindh University - English Section - Indirect speech examples MCQs

Q21:- ‘’ I’ve been working for the same company since 1960,’’he said to me.
Ans:- He said to me that he had been working for the same company since 1960.

Q22:- ‘’ I’ve forgotten to bring my lunch with me,’’he said.
Ans:- He said that he had forgotten to bring his lunch with him.

Q23:- ‘’will you be home soon?,’’she asked her husband.
Ans:- She asked her husband if he would be home soon.

Q24:- ‘’ I’ll clean the car tomorrow,’’Athar said to his father.
Ans:- Athar said to his father that he would clean the car the next day.
Ans:- Athar told his father that he would clean the car the following day.

Q25:- ‘’where have you been?,’’Athar asked his wife.
Ans:- Athar asked his wife where she had been.

Entry test English section of Sindh University - Active Passive Voice Example MCQs:

Choose The Correct PASSIVE VOICE:
Q26:- Why don’t you suggest him to study in Pakistan?
Ans:- Why he is not suggested to study in Pakistan by you.

Q27:- Don’t mistrust the sincere.
Ans:- Let the sincere not be mistrusted.

Q28:- They were laughing at her.
Ans:- She was being laughed at by Them.

Q29:- China has always tried to settle all issues with India.
Ans:- All issues with India have always been tried to settle by China.

Q30:- The People elected him the president of their country.
Ans:- He was elected the president of their country by the people.

Sindh University Jamshoro Entry test contains 20% General  Knowledge MCQs:

Example MCQs of General Knowledge taken from past papers of Sindh University Entry Test:

Q31:- The Largest River in the world is?
Ans:- Amazone River.

Q32:- Franc is the name of?
Ans:- Currency.

Q33:- Aligarh Movement was started by?
Ans:- Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.

Q34:- Allama Muhammad Iqbal born on?
Ans:- 9th November, 1877.

Q35:- Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai invented a Musical instrument called?
Ans:- Tambooro

Q36:- The cave Hira, where Prophet Muhammad (SAW) received his first Revelation is in the?
Ans:- Jabal-An-Noor naer Mecca.

Q37:-The oldest Mosque in the world is?
Ans:- Masjeed-e-Quba.

Q38:- The death anniversary of Quaid-e-Azam is observed every year on?
Ans:- 11th September.

Q39:- Which barrage is also known as Ghulam Muhammad Barrage?
Ans:- Kotri Barrage.

Q40:- The Mosque located on the foot hills of margalla hills in Islamabad is?
Ans:- Shah Faisal Mosque.

Q41:- The landlocked countries are?
(a) Afghanistan (b) Nepal (c) Switzerland (d) ALL OF THESE✓

Q42:- The book ‘’Zarb-i-Kalim’’was written by?
Ans:- Allama Iqbal.

Q43:- The world’s largest sugar producer is?
Ans:- Brazil.

Q44:- The book ‘’Daughter of the East’’was written by?
Ans:- Muhtarma Banazir Bhutto(Shaheed).

Q45:- Madrid is the capital city of?
Ans:- Spain.

Q46:- The Shrine(Tomb) of Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai is in district?
Ans:- Matyari

Q47:- Neelam valley is situated in?
Ans:- Azad Kashmir.

Q48:- The Shrine(Tomb) of Sufi Shah Inayat Shaheed is in district?
Ans:- Thatta.

Q49:- The capital city of Saudi Arabia is?
Ans:- Riyadh.

Q50:- Who died before the independence of Pakistan?
Ans:- Allama Muhammad Iqbal

Sindh University Jamshoro Entry test contains 20% General Science MCQs:

Example MCQs of General Science taken from past papers of Sindh University Entry Test:

Q51:- The symbol of Gold is?
Ans:- Au.

Q52:- The unit of measure the speed of microprocessor of a computer is?
Ans:- Hertz.

Q53:- which vitamin plays important role in bone building and blood clotting?
Ans:- vitaman K.

Q54:- Normal blood pressure of healthy adult person is?
Ans:- 120/80.

Q55:- which of the following is not the part of Inner Solar System?
(a) JUPITER (b) Mercury (c) Venus (d) Earth
Q56:- Pulse beat is measured from?
Ans:- Artery.

Q57:- The age of a tree is determined by?
Ans:- Rings.

Q58:- Keyboard of a Computer system is?
(a) Sofware (b) HARDWARE (c) Firmware (d) All of these

Q59:- The air contains?
(a) Nitrogen (b) Oxygen (c) Inert gas 

Q60:- The chemical formula of Lime is?
Ans:- CaO.

Q61:- Sulfur is used in?
(a) Fireworks (b) Skin diseases (c) Insecticides 

Q62:- Blood pressure is measured by?
Ans:- Sphygmomanometer.

Q63:- The body’s largest blood vessel is?
Ans:- Aorta.

Q64:- One centimeter is equal to?
Ans:- 1/100 meter.

Q65:- The main functions of kidneys are?
(a) To produce urine (b) To filter And remove waste (c) To regulate body Water 

(d) ALL✓

Q66:- The unit of mass in C.G.S system is?
Ans:- Gram.

Q67:- Gulielmo Marconi invented?
Ans:- Radio.

Q68:- Concave lens causes rays to?
(a) Diverge (b) Spread apart (c) Converge (d) BOTH a and b✓

Q69:- which of the following is not citrus fruit?
(a) Apple ✓(b) Lemon (c) Grape fruit (d) Both a and c

Q70:- The first person who found vitamins was?
Ans:- Casimir Funk

Example MCQs of Simple Arithmetic taken from past papers of Sindh University Entry Test:

(a) 5 ✓ 

Q72:- Athar, Azhar and Mazhar started a business in the partnership, share of profit is in the ratio of2:3:4, if Azhar’s share of profit is Rs.450, what is Athar’s share?
(a) Rs.150 (b) Rs.300 ✓(c) 600 (d) Rs.900

Q73:- An employee’s wages is Rs.30/hour upto 40 hours. Overtime is twice the regular wages, if hewas paid Rs.1680, how many hours overtime did he work?
(a) 8 hours✓ (b) 16 hours (c) 28 hous (d) 48 hours

Q74:- A person bought one kilogram of apples for Rs.60 and sold for Rs.90, find the profit in percentage?
(a) 30%       (b) 40% 
(c) 50% ✓  (d) None

Q75:- Two apples and three mangoes cost Rs.86, four apples and one mango cost Rs.112, what is thecost price of an apple?
(a) Rs.20 (b) Rs.25✓ (c) Rs.10 (d) Rs.15

Q76:- If 𝑥/4 =𝑦/2
(a) x = 2y✓ (b) y = 2x (c) x = y (d) y =²

Q77:- A boy bought a shirt at a sale for Rs.140, he received 30% discount on the normal price. What is the original price of the shirt?
(a) Rs.150 (b) Rs.175 (c) Rs.180 (d) Rs.200✓

Q78:- If 3z/2 + 4𝑧/2 + 5𝑧 / 2= 36, what is the value of z ?
(a) 3 (b) 6✓ (c) 9 (d) 4

Q79:- what is the value of k in the sequence; 1,6,13,k,33,46 ?
(a) 21 (b) 22✓ (c) 23 (d) 24

Q80:- If a and b are two integers, which of the following is not necessarily an integer?
(a) 𝑏8
 (b) a × b (c) 2a – 5b ✓(not sured) (d) 𝑎7

Q81:- which of the following is the least common multiple of; 18,24 and 36 ?
(a) 18 (b) 6 (c) 36 (d) 72✓

Q82:- The expression 𝑎³ + 𝑏³
is equivalent to?
(a) (𝒂 + 𝒃)𝟑-3ab (a+b) ✓ (b) (𝑎 + 𝑏)3-ab (a+b)
(c) (𝑎 + 𝑏)3-3ab (a-b) (d) (a+b)(a-b)(a-b)

Q83:- The value of 8 in the number 458.21 is?
(a) 8 ones ✓(b) 8 one (c) 8 tens (d) 8 ten

Q84:- which of the following is a subset of {𝑏, 𝑐, 𝑑} ?
(a) {𝑏} (b) { } (c) {1,2,3} (d) BOTH a and b✓

Q85:- If the average of 10,k and 30 is 21. What is the value of k ?
(a) 20 (b) 21 (c) 23 ✓(d) 24

Q86:- The number of solutions of an equation; 𝑥2- 4 = 0 is?
(a) 2 ✓(b) 3 (c) 1 (d) 0

Q87:- If an increase of 20% changed the price of shirt to Rs.480, then the original price of the shirt
(a) 350 (b) 400 ✓(c) 450 (d) None

Q88:- which of the following expression is true for a number greater than -2 but less than 7 ?
(a){x/-2 > x > 7} (b){x/-2 ≥ x ≥ 7} (c) {x/-2 ≤ x ≤ 7} (d) {x/-2 < x < 7}✓

Q89:- On first day, a carpenter competed 3⁄8
of a work and on a second day, he completed
additional 1⁄4
 work. What fraction of the work is left undone?
(a) 𝟑⁄𝟖✓
 (b) 1⁄8
 (c) 5⁄8
 (d) 7⁄8

Q90:- 3 𝟒
 is expressed as a decimal is?
(a) 3.4 (b) 3.45 (c) 3.8 ✓(d) 3.5

Example MCQs of I.Q taken from past papers of Sindh University Entry Test:


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